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When you come to our polyclinic, first your x-ray is taken and a detailed examination is performed. All treatment options that may be suitable for you are explained and the most ideal treatment plan is created, taking into account your expectations. Information about how long your treatment will last on average and the payment plan is given. Your appointments are created.

Fast, comfortable and error-free measurements can be taken with our digital intraoral scanner in our polyclinic. As in the classical method, measurements are not taken from inside the mouth with silicone material. Digital scanners make taking measurements much easier, especially in patients with nausea reflexes.

With in-office teeth whitening, we can lighten your teeth by approximately 4 shades in 1 hour. When starting the procedure, a protective barrier is applied to the gums. Afterwards, whitening gel is applied to the teeth and the gel is activated with the application of light. It is applied in 3 periods of 15 minutes - 15 minutes - 10 minutes. To achieve maximum efficiency after whitening, it is necessary to stay away from tea, coffee, cigarettes, cola, red wine, acidic drinks and colored foods for approximately 2 days.

Today, implant application is the first treatment option that should be chosen to compensate for the patient's tooth loss.  Implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are compatible with biological tissues.


Before implant application, the bone is examined with 3D dental tomography and it is decided whether the jawbone is suitable for treatment. The application of the implant is performed under local anesthesia and is a painless procedure. After 2-3 months of healing following implant placement, the porcelain-on-implant phase is started. In our clinic, we use an occlusal screw system as a porcelain over implant.  With this system, annual control sessions are made easier and implant treatments are more successful in the long term as there is no possibility of adhesive leaking into biological tissues.


Implant applications at the same time as tooth extraction are a type of treatment we frequently apply, if the bone structure is suitable. Before the procedure, a dental tomography is taken and the structure of the jawbone is examined. If the bone structure is suitable, the implant is placed following the extraction of the tooth. In some cases, a temporary prosthesis can be made immediately on top of it, so you will never be toothless. Then, a 2-3 month healing period is expected and a permanent prosthesis is made.

One of the most critical factors in implant application is that there should be bone 360 degrees around the implant in the area where the implant is applied in order for the implant to be long-lasting. In cases where one remains toothless for more than 6 months following tooth extraction, horizontal and vertical melting occurs in the jaw bone, and in order for the implant application to be successful, reinforcement with bone powder and bone membrane is required.


According to the data we obtained as a result of 3D tomography and intraoral examination of the patient, bone loss compensation can occur in 2 ways:


  • If bone loss is severe, bone powder and bone membrane are applied first and the implant is applied after 4-6 months.

  • If bone loss is relatively moderate, implants can be placed simultaneously with bone powder and bone membrane application.


Advanced implant surgeries include closed/open sinus lift, autogenous block graft, crest split, etc.


If the bone loss occurs in the sinuses area corresponding to the upper jaw rear molars, sagging occurs in the sinuses. In this situation; A sinus lift operation (open sinus lift) is performed using bone powder and membrane, and thus, implants of ideal size and diameter can be applied.


When bone loss is excessive in the horizontal and/or vertical direction, your own bone is taken as a block (autogenous block graft) from other parts of the jaw and transplanted to the missing part. Thus, bone deficiency is compensated without using an artificial material.

Gum recession is the exposure of the root surface of the tooth. Exposed root surface can cause sensitivity to hot and cold and is more prone to decay.


Causes of gum recession include improper brushing and use of hard toothbrushes, thin gum biotype of the patient, crooked teeth, clenching, tartar and plaque accumulation, incorrectly made fillings and crowns.


The aim of treating gum recession is to first determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment. Before the treatment, plaque and tartar are removed and oral hygiene training is given. Because good oral hygiene is the key factor in the success of treatment.


In order to cover the exposed root surface in the area with gum recession, gum tissue is taken from the patient's own palate and transferred to the area with recession. Since the patient's own tissue is used, there is no tissue rejection. The percentage of root surface closure is directly proportional to the initial amount of gingival recession. We can achieve 100% root surface coverage in many of our treatments.


Curettage: In cases where there is tartar under the gum, if bone loss is not severe, curettage is performed without stitches, under anesthesia. All stones and plaques on the root surface are cleaned, so the swollen and red gums heal quickly. Gums regain their health with good oral care.


Flap: Flap treatment is performed in cases where curettage treatment is not sufficient. When there is excessive bone loss around the teeth, the gums are opened and all tartar and inflammatory tissues underneath are cleaned. When necessary, bone powder and membrane are added and stitches are applied. If oral care is good after flap treatment, even teeth that appear ready to be extracted can remain in the mouth for years.

Pink Aesthetics

Excessive exposure of gums when smiling is called a gummy smile. Excessive appearance of gums may occur for 2 reasons. First, the teeth are covered with excess gum. Secondly, the upper lip lifts up too much when smiling​.


With aesthetic crown lengthening treatment, the excess gum covering the teeth is cut and the ideal ratio between teeth and gums is created.


With reverse vestibuloplasty (lip repositioning), the upper lip that rises too high is positioned lower and the upper lip cannot move up when smiling.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are the teeth located at the back of the jawbone. They can appear in 3 different positions depending on their relationship with the jawbone:


  • Erupted: If there is attached gum around it and it is functional with the opposing tooth, extraction is not required.

  • Semi-buried: In cases where wisdom teeth cannot fully erupt and remain semi-buried under the gums, food residues accumulate in the relevant area and cause redness, swelling, bleeding and bad breath. Extraction of teeth in this situation is appropriate.

  • Fully impacted: This is a situation where wisdom teeth are positioned under the bone and surgical extraction (stitched) is required.


Apart from these situations, wisdom teeth may be in close relationship with the nerve passing through the lower jaw. This situation is detected by radiographs and the risk of temporary/permanent numbness that may occur after tooth extraction is evaluated and the patient is informed.


Extraction of wisdom teeth is performed under local anesthesia, meaning it is painless. Problem-free recovery occurs when the conditions that need to be taken into consideration after the procedure are followed.

Filling and Root Canal Treatment

If tooth decay is detected at an early stage when it begins to form, the vitality of the tooth can be preserved by filling it. If the decay has reached the tooth nerve, there is pain that wakes you up at night, if there is an abscess, cyst, etc., it is necessary to perform root canal treatment on the tooth. It is decided whether the tooth will be filled or canal treated by looking at the x-ray film and performing an intraoral examination.


Rubber-dam application: It is very important to isolate the relevant area from blood and saliva during filling and root canal treatments. If saliva or blood leaks during the procedure, the treatment will fail. With rubber dam application, complete isolation is achieved in the relevant area and the quality of the treatment increases.


Crooked teeth cause both aesthetic and functional problems. It will be beneficial to bring crooked teeth to the ideal position, especially because they make brushing difficult, increase the risk of caries, and put wrong forces on the jaw joint.


Orthodontics can be done with metal brackets or clear aligners. Especially transparent plaques are preferred today because they are both aesthetic and the result of the treatment can be seen from the very beginning.

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